Bandi e concorsi - Ricercatori
Grants for research fellowship
Notice relating to grants about research position
- Selection procedures for the allocation of NO 3 fixed-term posts for university researchers (Law 240 dated 30 december 2010)
[data pubblicazione: 13/01/2025]
[data scadenza: 12/02/2025]
Cod. PICA: 2025_rtda_001 - Selection procedures for the allocation of NO 3 fixed-term posts for university researchers (Law 240 dated 30 december 2010)- Cod. PICA: 2025_rtda_001 [pubb. 10/01/2025]
- Selection procedure for the allocation of NO 1 university researcher fixed-term Tenure Track (RTT) - art. 24, paragraph 3, law 240/10 as modified by law 79/2022
[data pubblicazione: 08/01/2025]
[data scadenza: 06/02/2025]
COD. PICA: 2024_RTT_004 -Selection procedure for the allocation of NO 1 university researcher fixed-term Tenure Track (RTT) - art. 24, paragraph 3, law 240/10 as modified by law 79/2022- DEADLINE: on 6th of February 2025- Call 2024_RTT_004 [pubb. 08/01/2025]
- Selection procedure for the allocation of NO 1 fixed-term post for university researchers (Law 240 dated 30 december 2010)
[data pubblicazione: 31/12/2024]
[data scadenza: 14/02/2025]
Cod. PICA: 2024_rtda_005 - Selection procedure for the allocation of NO 1 fixed-term post for university researchers (Law 240 dated 30 december 2010)- Cod. PICA: 2024_rtda_005 [pubb. 31/12/2024]
- Selection procedures for the allocation of NO 2 fixed-term posts for university researchers (Law 240 dated 30 december 2010)
[data pubblicazione: 23/12/2024]
[data scadenza: 22/01/2025]
Cod. PICA: 2024_rtda_006 - Selection procedures for the allocation of NO 2 fixed-term posts for university researchers (Law 240 dated 30 december 2010)- Cod. PICA: 2024_rtda_006 [pubb. 31/12/2024]
- Selection procedures for the allocation of NO 2 university researchers fixed-term Tenure Track (RTT) - art. 24, paragraph 3, law 240/10 as modified by law 79/2022
[data pubblicazione: 14/12/2024]
[data scadenza: 16/01/2025]
PICA CODE: 2024_RTT_006. -Selection procedure for the allocation of NO 2 university researchers fixed-term Tenure Track (RTT) - art. 24, paragraph 3, law 240/10 as modified by law 79/2022- DEADLINE: on 16th of January 2025- Call 2024_RTT_006 [pubb. 13/12/2024]
Bandi scaduti negli ultimi 30 giorni
Grants for research fellowship - scaduti negli ultimi 30 giorni
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